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Mindful Microdosing Coaching

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Personal Coaching for Plant Medicine Microdosing

A 6 Week Personal Coaching Program to Enhance and Customize your Microdosing Practice

"Maximize Your Mojo With Mindful Microdosing"


So many women are interested in the health and wellness benefits of microdosing psilocybin but they don't know how to begin or  how to develop a microdosing practice. Heather Lee is a certified Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapist with extensive knowledge in the art and science of psychedelic wellness. This 6 week coaching programs gives you the personal and professional guidance you need to create a mindful microdosing practice while having lots of personal support and connection to a community of  microminded women.  Learn how to source your microdoses, how to establish a personalized protocol, how to deepen your mindfulness with microdosing, how to enhance your intuition and access inner wisdom. Microdosing can be very helpful in reducing anxiety, enhancing creativity, balancing moods and emotions and enhancing mindfulness. Attend weekly group video coaching calls Mondays 4:00- 5:00 MST

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Our programs, retreats and trainings draw on the latest and most up to date research and work of top experts in the field of psychedelic medicine "We know there is great healing power in integrating nature immersion, expressive arts, mindfulness, and conscious group connection into an integrative healing experience with microdosing and plant medicine. We see microdosing as a soulful science." Heather A Lee

About Our 6 Week Coaching Program

  • What: 6 weeks of personal, one on one coaching and small group support via live, personal video sessions. 9 page microdosing workbook 

  • When: New groups begin each month. 6 consecutive Monday evening groups, 2 personal one on one sessions to meet your schedule

  • Who: Group size 12 women per coaching group

  • Where: Virtual for wherever you are in the this big beautiful world

  • How Much: $850 (Does not include microdose medicine)

  • Topics and Activities: Microdose protocols, psychospiritual and energetic balancing with psilocybin, addressing anxiety, decreasing depression, nature and nurturing emotional health, awe, expressive art of emotions, consciousness beyond self, relationships and intimacy, mindfulness meditation, nature immersion, conscious conversations.

Ask me about trainings & workshops for your group or organization



            Heather A. Lee, LCSW


Heather is the past Director of Women’s Health Education at the University of Virginia Medical Center. She is a licensed therapist in private practice and a certified Psychedelic Assisted Psychotherapist with over 30 years of clinical experience focused on women’s mental health. In addition to training from the Harvard Mind/Body Medical Institute, Heather has worked extensively developing microdosing protocols for women. She has guided over a hundred psilocybin journeys with a leading retreat organization in Jamaica. Her own journey through of health and wellness has been greatly eased and enlightened by the use of plant medicine.

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